We translate several million words/year from Spanish into English and vice versa for large IT, engineering clients, MNCs, translation agencies from India and overseas.
Please click on the particular domain for further details:
Circuits and wiring
Motors and transformers
Consumer electronics
and several others (food industry, transportation, chemistry, patents, etc.).
How do we stand out from other Spanish into English translation companies?
Though everyone claims to offer high quality translation they fail to explain how they do it. In fact, do they really do?
How do we do it?
We believe in translating in context using domain experts. We do in-depth terminology research in-house. Please refer to our Terminology Management Process for details.
We had procured Spanish-English dictionaries directly from publishers such as Ediciones Diaz de Santos, Ariel, John Wiley, Ediciones Verba, McGraw Hill, from Frankfurt book fair, and from online bookstores in Spain.
We also provide English into Spanish translation in various domains. Translation and review is done by native Spanish linguists. We can provide translation in different variants of Spanish – Spanish (Spain), Latin American Spanish, Mexican Spanish, Hispanic Spanish.
Case study on translation for BP Solar Spain (Spanish into English translation)
We received regular translation work from Spanish into English from BP Solar Spain. Documents related to safety at work, HR guidelines, solar installation, among others. They had established a joint venture with an Indian company (Tata) in Bangalore. We visited the Bangalore factory to better understand solar technology and also see the safety at work guidelines in place. Our guide explained how a pedestrian has to walk within the yellow lines drawn on the footpath, their assembly points in case of any disaster, design of staircase and fire escapes, how solar panels work, among others. These visits proved to be highly beneficial to our linguistic team. We could apply correct terminology in this green energy domain wherein terminology is constantly evolving.
To further cement our relationship and our understanding of the product, we installed a BP solar plant in our premises. Presumably, we may be one of their rare customer who read their multilingual installation manual with great care!
We scanned the manual and converted it into a bilingual Word document, then did alignment to create a translation memory using SDL Trados. We converted the TM into an sdlxliff file and used MultiTerm Extract to identify candidate terms for inclusion in an empty termbase. We also did concordance search to extract bilingual terms and phrases while using the TM for the actual project. We added these terms to the termbase. The TM and the termbase were used by the linguist team.
To clarify, we have summarized the workflow in the flow chart below.