We translate several million words/year from Italian into English for large IT, engineering clients, MNCs, translation agencies from India and overseas.
Please click on the particular domain for further details:
and several others (chemistry, petroleum, patents, sports, tourism, etc.).
How do we stand out from other Italian into English translation companies?
Though everyone claims to offer high quality Italian into English translation they fail to explain how they do it. In fact, do they really do?
How do we do it?
We believe in translating in context using domain experts. We do in-depth terminology research in-house. Please refer to our Terminology Management Process for details.
We had procured Italian-English dictionaries directly from publishers such as Zanichelli, Paravia, Hoepli, from Frankfurt book fair, and from stores such as Hoepli Libreria Internazionale, Milan during our visits to Italy.
We also provide English into Italian translation in various domains. Translation and review is done by native Italian linguists.
Case study on translation of telecom documents (Italian into English translation)
We translate large number of documents from Italian into English for a telecom company in Italy. Documents relate to RFP/RFQ, government tenders, telecom specifications, TETRA for Northern Italy (South Tyrol) municipalities. Several services (police, fire-fighting, forestry) in South Tyrol wishes to modernise their communication devices (vehicular radios, pagers, handheld devices) and control room equipment.
Other than Marolli’s technical dictionary, there are hardly any quality bilingual dictionaries in IT/telecom domain. We had frantically searched in large bookstores such as Hoepli (Milan), Feltrinelli (Rome) for suitable dictionaries, but to no avail. We visited TETRA and several other websites which have English only telecom terminology. We translated the Italian terms based on the English terms obtained from these websites. We sent the glossaries to the client for approval.
We also managed to obtain Italian into German glossary from the client. As German is one of the official languages in South Tyrol (majority of the population is of Austro-Bavarian heritage and speaks German) many official documents are bilingual (in German and Italian). We used a term extraction tool to extract important Italian-German terms from these official documents and tender guidelines. Then we created a three-column Italian-German-English Excel glossary. Given the fact that excellent dictionaries are available from German into English in telecom domain, we managed to update this trilingual glossary. We created termbases (both bilingual and trilingual) from this trilingual glossary. We update the bilingual/trilingual glossaries periodically and add the new terms in the termbase. As the termbase is created using SDL Trados Multiterm, linguists can search the terms in any of the three languages (Italian, German, and English) in any direction.
On the whole, this ongoing project is extremely interesting and challenging.
To clarify, we have summarized the workflow in the flow chart below.